

Atlanta Falcons vs. St. Louis Rams football playoff game. The Falcons are doing well right now leading 21-7.

I can't help but to notice the class I've seen from the Falcons. I've been impressed with the fact that after each score the Falcon players have given the ball to a fan and then gone back to their sideline. I don't see showboating, dancing, acting, taunting or even pulling down pants... I see players who act professionally and get their job done.

We live in a meistic culture where we've been program to celebrate ourselves for no-one will celebrate us. In our business world we must so eagerly self-promote that we forget what it's like to have class and do the right things.

The commentators on the game mentioned NOTHING about these guys and their great respect for the game, fans, and themselves by their actions but last week and all week I've heard all about Randy Moss symbolically showing his crack to the Packers fans.

I hope we all can take a lesson from the Warrick Dunn's of the world and even business books like the One Minute Manager.... give praise to people who do a good job but don't ask for it. If you're the one doing the job... do it unto the Lord and move on.... when I was younger playing sports I had wiser men say to me "Act like you've been there (endzone) before."

We should all aim to do that well and act like we've been there. Success in our lives should be a byproduct, not a surprise.

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