
A Novel Idea

Novel Idea:
I propose that mainstream Christianity focus on educating the average Christian. Here's the deal... if a Christian doesn't want to understand the issues... fine... but don't ruin it for everyone else by opening your mouth (especially when there is a reporter around).

Last night I Tivo'd a story on Nightline about a school system in Dover, Pennsylvania that is in a big fight over evolution and intelligent design. Apparently some people are pretty "religious" about honoring Darwin by not allowing other scientific evidence into the public square that does not support evolution.

Today I look up and see an article on the President's inaugural address and how Michael Newdow is trying to get prayer banned from that celebration. Nevermind that 40 million dollars (nearly all of the cost) of this event was raised privately. A prayer will offend Mr. Newdow. He's claiming that at that time he will feel left out b/c of his atheistic beliefs. (I'm left out of a lot of things but my goal in life isn't for the world to conform to me... I could go on but I digress)

My thoughts don't rest solely with each of these cases. My thoughts have to do with the average Christian in our society. For the most part we have to admit that the church has set itself up as the enemy to science (read: Galileo). We started this mess of making scientific discovery an enemy to our faith... Now we have to deal with the monster of division which we created. (Step 1 to recovery... admitting that you have a problem.) (Step 2: Understanding you only have yourself to blame.)

What do we do? We educate.
Let me begin by saying that not everyone who's a Christian should be a scientist and not every Christian has to have an undergrad degree, however, if you are a believer you are called to give the reason for the hope that you have. (I Peter 3:15-16)

The problem kicks in when people who have reasons for their faith cannot articulate them.

Scripture tells us in Romans 1:20 "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities his eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse." As a follower of Christ, that makes me want to learn. If God's eternal power and divine nature can be seen from creation, I'd like to learn more about those things...

There is a show called Extreme Makeover: Home Edition which is a pretty cool show (not your average trading spaces stuff). Recently they started to do 'behind the scenes' stuff on a show called "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition... How'd they do that?" The show basically is about the how's behind the what's. This in the most laming language is how I view science. Science is the "How'd He Do That?" show for me. I'm not concerned that Science will discover something that shreds my faith to pieces... In reality does my faith rest on science, no. My faith rests on a personal relationship with Christ and the apologetical evidences I've since learned. I'm not concerned that the Human Genome Project would ever lead to a "discovery" that makes God any less God. We may discover tendencies in genes that explain more of human behavior but that never takes away from God's sovereignty. There is so much to understand.

What Christians should learn:
1. Think. Then Speak. (repeat it with me: "Think. Then speak." good!)
Last year during the fight about Alabama chief Justice Roy Moore's desire to keep the 10 Commandments monument on court property I saw a video clip of some Christian protestor screaming "Don't take away my god!"... WHAT? Do you realize how dumb that sounds to someone who has no faith in Christ? The same someone who you're supposed to be influencing for Christ? That statue is not your God. The last time I checked, you can file that one under idolatry. Let's listen to the words going through our brains before we spit them out of our mouths. (repeat it with me: "Think. Then speak. Think...")

2. Have a stronger faith.
Proverbs 24:10 reminds us... If you falter in times of trouble, how small is your strength.

If all it takes is someone explaining how things work to freak you out, you're faith is pretty small. If you believe that God created it all and he's a logical God... Why would it bother you to hear that genes make up people's tendencies or that a large percentage of our DNA is shared by animals? He's the same creator right? It makes sense to believe that he'd use similar design patterns... after all they are pretty good designs huh?... They are God's.

3. Recognize that Logic and Science aren't your enemies.
We have to get a grip and remember that we have an enemy much bigger than an educated mind. Our enemy will do anything to make us look stupid to the rest of the world. If we believe in the God who created it all and we believe we've been made in his image... We should also believe that we can get to know God through his creation (see Rom 1:20). All throughout scripture we're told this whole deal is about KNOWING GOD. Get to know Him. Get to know him holistically. Learn. Understand. Discuss. Make friends with educated people of differing views.

Last time I checked, God is pretty secure with the human brain trying to decode him. He's not pressing the panic button of heaven saying "wow... How'd I do that?" Toughen up... We serve a highly intelligent God. We need to act like it.

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