
Be More for B'More

So many amazing people read this site on the regular. This note is to you.

As you know, we're actively working to flip this city upside down with the Gospel. People all over this region need a church that is not afraid to do whatever it takes to reach people with the love of God.

We have so many exciting things planned for this Summer and Fall as we head into our launch in September. God has been gracious to us and we're pumped! We've had several mission teams come to town already and more on the way.

Our fund raising is going well despite the rocky economy we're all experiencing right now. God has again given us favor and while we've not reached all of our goals yet we are pleased with our progress.

With all of that being said, we'd love to have more churches, small groups and individuals get involved. Why not yours? Wouldn't it be cool for you to be able to say "I had a part in getting that church going back when it was nothing but a dream! I want that experience FOR YOU. God is building this church...no doubt. The cool thing is that you get to be a part of it! So let's get you on board. Your family, small group or church can make a huge difference while having fun at the same time!

Here's how you can help:

1. Download this PDF with several sites for you to check out.
2. Print the PDF off.
3. Show various people in your church: Small Group, Children's Pastor, Lead Pastor, Missions, etc.

I certainly appreciate so many of you following along as we launch a God-honoring church here in Baltimore... What I'm asking you today is to engage with us. Partner with us. Get your nails dirty with us.

Be More for B'More.

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