
Lets date again

During the last few weeks you've missed me. I know.

It's not you it's me. I've been traveling, praying, reading... but not blogging. Don't take it as a slight. When you love someone let them go and if they come back it was meant to be.... or some other garbage my seventh grade girlfriend told me...

On to life...

~Spent the last two weeks with my best friend John. Lots of cool stuff emerging from that. Not in the 'I don't believe in truth' sense of emerging but rather the 'bringing about a newness' type of emerging.

~This week I toured an amazing old church building for sale in Norfolk. I don't get impressed with church buildings but this one (built in 1922) blew me away. Standing on the platform I was reminded of Sister Act where they renovated a church, made it relevant to the community and blew the doors off with Jesus-type of love. Ohh how I long to be part of that in my lifetime. I'm praying for 2 million dollars for that or for another church with the same passion to buy the place before a developer gets their hands on it. What a shame that would be.

~Has your wife ever shocked you by saying that she had been quietly praying for something/someone for a period of time AFTER you tell her what God may be doing???
(It's amazing)

~I have to raise some funds. I've never really done this before. I've raised smaller amounts before we started but it feels much different needing to raise it now. If your church treasurer has a hole in their pocket give them my email address, God is doing something... On a serious note I appreciate your prayers as I speak to a few people to see if this need can be met. It could change our church in a huge way.

~I've been asked recently how to persevere when things get rocky. Simple. Punch holes in your wall and then realize that you're under the sovereign hand of God. Since I'm no longer a teenager and since I don't enjoy pain and because I pay insurance deductibles, I've learned to skip the first part and trust God's hand. The way I see it is that if he's given you a vision and it's truly from HIM, he's basically going to do it. It's only up to me to follow from now until then. Abraham was given a promise and if you read the promise in Genesis God said "I will" over half a dozen times. The only "you will" on Abrahams part was "You will be a blessing". I believe in a God who's in the "I will" business and it's amazing how often he wants us to be like Abraham and simply be a blessing. So if God has called you to it, just focus on being the best blessing you can be. Work hard and pray hard. He Will do what He Wills.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well written... and welcome back..