
Confrence Crazy

This weekend is one of prep as I prepare to hit two conferences in a little over a week.

Sunday after church Kristy, Caleb and I are flying down to Orlando to take in the National New Church Conference. The speaker line-up is amazing. I'm looking forward to hearing about all that God is doing with church planting around the country. I'm certain to meet some new friends and learn some great lessons. In addition to the conference, Kristy and Caleb will join me on this trip. We've not had a 'vacation' since starting the church. By having them join me, we hope to mix a little vacation with the conference thing and try to freshen up for the upcoming year of ministry. The world famous Ben Arment will be also bringing his family so the ladies will kick-it by the pool while Ben and I learn everything we're doing wrong. I love being around church planters.

After we get back from Orlando, I'll try to get some work done before heading off to the BUZZ conference in D.C. I'm very much looking forward to this conference. For me this will be like a Bloglines convention. Many of my favorite bloggers will attend and I'm looking forward to meeting these amazing people. I've corrisponded with most of them over the last year or so... finally getting to meet them in person is sure to be fun. I'm flying solo for that one and Ben has graciously offered me his floor to catch some shut-eye.

Between these two trips I hope to get pretty charged up for the summer and fall seasons as well as be better focused to lead our people as we reach this community for Christ.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude, wanna connect up at Ride?