
So a Pentecostal and a Baptist walk into a Starbucks...

This weekend we used the baptistery of Coastlands Community Church for our Baptism, Communion and Pot-Luck.

On Sunday as we were leaving their facility, their Pastor (Durant) invited me to coffee with him today at 5:30 a.m. Yes, I said 5:30 a.m. The coffee wasn't just for he and I, rather it is a weekly time of bible study and prayer with about 7 other people from his church. They have 3 (THREE!) of these a week. An associate does two of them and Durant does one.

(Sunday night before communion)

First I have to tell you that 4:45 a.m. does exist on my alarm clock. I wasn't sure until today but it does in fact exist. Anyway the coolest thing was that I hopped right out of bed. In fact, because I knew I was trying this ungodly act of going to a prayer meeting at 5:30 a.m., I slept a whole lot lighter than normal. I woke up at 4 a.m. at the sound of my son making a little noise in his sleep. Anyway, back to this morning. IT WAS GREAT!

A few observations about this entire experience thus far:
1. Coastlands is a Pentecostal Church. Our background is Baptist.
Not just any baptist... Southern Baptist. I LOVE the fact that Durant and I have built a good relationship even though our churches are just about 2 miles from each other and theologically diverse. If the cross is the center of the dart board, our theology is one or two rings out from center from each other. It's not a big deal but so many people make it into a big deal. I'm glad we don't. Durant is a humble man with a big heart and Jesus is evident in his life. I get so sick of the denominational dog-fights that it gets me ecstatic when I know that I have friendships from across the kaleidoscope of Christianity. I used to think it was only my denom that thought they had an inside track to God's throne, but I've come to realize that it's a cross-pollinating outbreak. The reality is that many of the people who call Focal Point home wouldn't know what to tell you if you asked what denomination they were. They'd likely say "denomination?" and then after you explained it they'd say "ohh, I'm Christian". My denom wouldn't like that, but I do. Jesus first. (let me get off of my soap box now)

2. This wasn't like most 'bible studys' or 'men's prayer breakfasts' that I've seen.
I have come to HATE prayer breakfast because they are more about breakfast than prayer. I have a hard time with many bible studies because they are more about 'hanging out' and less about studying the bible. Durant has done a great job with this group. As soon as we all sat down (in fact before some orders were filled) he said "Okay guys... today we're in...." Immediately we each read and started our time together. I loved that!

3. Open Source.
I'll post another post about this but I've decided to make the next 6 weeks or so "Open Source" at Focal Point. (By the way, if you haven't checked out LifeChurch.tv's new site, go check it out when you're done this post) Anyway... today in the bible study it was properly facilitated. Durant didn't come off as the all-knowing God-guru. He came off as a shepard. He used the Socratic method a few times but apart from that he gently guided the conversation. He's teaching his people to THINK for themselves and showing them how to approach the text. Again, something most small groups fail in. Many small groups become a one-man band. We forget that if the Holy Spirit is in someone's life, he will help them understand the word. Sure, new or young believers may not have the church lingo... but they have enough to say "God's working on my life...and this verse is one of the ways..." Open Source bible studies.... I like 'em!

4. Prayer was genuine.
One of the gaps that exist in our two denominations is over prayer-languages. I got news for you. When it came to prayer today we all shared english and it was FANTASTIC. What I mean is not the issue over glossolalia, but rather it was fantastic because each need mattered. Durant has a great gift of prayer. I can't tell you how many times we've been talking and Durant just puts his hand on my shoulder and begins to pray for me. He doesn't make a scene, we don't have a lot of conversation about it... he doesn't pretend to have special revelation for my life... he just humbly lifts me up. Today was no exception. Many times in our bible studies we use prayer as the bookends of our time. We pray at the beginning and the end of the service, event, meeting. Today for prayer as each person shared, we prayed. It seems simple but I honestly can say that it makes two things happen: 1. We focused on the individual request, not long-winded spiritual hoops. Just the request. and 2. If you were prayed for, you knew everyone at the table was speaking to God on your behalf at that moment. There is a certain confidence from knowing that your brothers and sisters in Christ DID lift you up. It wasn't a part of a spiritual grocery list.

5. We're going to do this at Focal Point!
I'm inspired. I sincerely believe that one thing missing in our church is this spiritual foundation of prayer and study. Sure we pray and sure we have study but honestly they are never the entire focus of our hearts for the time we're together. I don't have a group of people TODAY in my life who focus any 1 hour a week for prayer and study with me. That's pathetic! I honestly feel like as the Pastor of this church I have to step it up there. So... you know what? We are. Today I'm going into recruit mode. I already spoke with Lyle this morning and he's down for it. We're going to do a 6 a.m. deal on Saturday mornings or a 5:30 a.m. deal on Wednesdays. I know that several of our church family read this so my prayer is that they will make the sacrifice to wake up a little earlier and seriously give that time to God. If you're one of my friends (known or unknown) who read this blog, please pray for a remnant within our body to rise up and partner with me in this effort. Not for the sake of a meeting but for the sake of a solid spiritual foundation at Focal Point Church. We're asking God to move mountains... It's only right that we grab a shovel and a wheel barrel and get started.

Have a great day friends.


Anonymous said...

You have my prayers. God bless.

RMc said...

One of the guys who reached out to me when I came to the town I'm in was the AG pastor. We developed a pretty strong friendship until he bailed on me..... (actually, he went to pastor in another city) We (3 pastors of different denom's) ended up studying Mark in Greek - great fun, it was challenging, and friendships were forged.