
They will know you by your love

I've been working with a local company this week. I've been building bridges with the owner. He's done the 'Christian' stuff but I don't feel that he's a follower of Christ. So we've been building this relationship... mostly talking about business and entrepreneurship and stuff...

Well, the last couple of times I've been in there he's shared with me his frustration with 'the church' and more specifically some dealings he's having with a local church. Based on his frustration I mentioned to him that he had more patience than I do and he may want to consider sending them to another vendor... the stress and time is not worth this account.

He said "Well, yeah many have been telling me exactly that lately..." He said "When I expressed my concern with this guy the other day he said "Well, at my church I've learned a lot about areas I need to improve and being more aggressive is one of them so that's why I'm being this way."

I about hit the floor!

First off, I personally know the guy and type-A isn't a problem. (no I didn't dog pile on... I just smiled and listened)

Secondly... what a testimony! Having NO CLUE of a guy's relationship with Christ (and to my knowledge making no effort to care)... and then on top of it blaming your attitude and disrespect on a class you took at church without apology? WOW!

Please, I beg you... I beg myself...

REMEMBER... Just because the Gospel MAY offend, this does not give us permission to be offensive!

I get so frustrated when I hear stories like this! You can be firm in a business deal without crossing the line into ignorance! Okay, I'm done.

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