
Senators, Judges and Pastors

This week we observe something that may not happen again in your lifetime and if it does it may only happen again when you're in a retirement home. We have the opportunity to observe the Senate giving 'advice and consent' to a potential new chief Justice.

If you've observed Judge John Roberts in action you may have the same observation as most who have observed the hearings. That observation? "Wow!"

He knows his stuff! He's extremely intelligent, solid when pushed and firm. He doesn't show what I'm certain is frustration at the prodding by the Senators. He sticks to his principles and message. Finally he has successfully pointed out that he's not up for election. He won't bargain with the Senators.

As I'm observing the hearings I find myself challenged. In so many ways this man is demonstrating exactly what we should have in our positions. We're not confirmed by the Senate but rather by God. We should strive to read and grow in our understanding of church history, the bible, and even the psychology of our people in addition to the statistics, marketing and business that we all dive into. If we were confirmed by the Senate (far more difficult than most of our ordination counsels) as to our grasp of all issues concerning the Pastorate, how would we fare?

I may be the only one but somehow I doubt it... I'm challenged today. Keep up your growth... keep learning. By reading blogs I know you're already a person who desires to grow and take in information... When you find yourself comfortable, get uncomfortable. We should all continue to push to have the depth of understanding about what we do that John Roberts has of his profession.

What do you do on a regular basis to grow in your knowledge?
What do you read?
Does your church have a line-item for your growth?
Do you have a mentor?

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