
Dawson McAllister rocks!

Last night at the "SAW you at the pole rally" where I took some of our students I was able to observe Dawson McAllister working with students from the stage.

Dawson set up microphones on either isle in the front of the room of about 800 students. He then described how everyone has a story and everyone needs prayer. He asked for students who wanted to tell their story to receive prayer and some help to come forward. Obviously the first person was difficult to get but once one student went up, the floodgates opened!

I heard so many honest stories of abuse (self and outside abuse) and depression, feelings of worthlessness... but I want to tell you about one girl named Katie.

Katie came up and wanted to talk about how she's angry all of the time b/c she can't forgive her father for beating her and sexually abusing her sister. Katie explained that her dad is now in jail until she turns 17 for the sexual abuse. She said "No one before tonight knows about me. I don't think anyone cares." In passing as Dawson talked to her she said that her mom walked out on her and she now lives with her grandfather. She mentioned (in passing) that they can barely get by financially on his social security and $100 from her mother per month.

Dawson keyed in on this need (as he also dealt with the other concerns). He asks for two leaders to bring boxes up front and he hugs the girl and says "You're about to see Christ in action." By this time hearing this girls story I'm tearing up (and I honestly never cry). Well, tons of people jump out of their seat (obviously mostly teens) and bring money to the front.

A few students later Dawson asks the leader to bring the money back up and tell how much was given to this girl. They announced a little over $900 was given. In addition the event and a local radio station had been giving out tickets and cds so they gave her 2 tickets to Audio A and Pillar with SuperchicK. Dawson gave the stuff to Katie's Youth Pastor (she was meeting with a counselor). It was amazing.

Some things he talked about:
For "cutters"- "Christ took the scars so you don't have to." and "When you cut your flesh, you're cutting your soul."

For bitterness- "You become what you focus on. Bitterness leads you to focus on your abusive dad." and "You re-live the abuse every time you get angry with him." and "You're taking the poison hoping he will die."

It reminded me that although we're not counselors, we are responsible to remind people of the power of Christ. He can heal people's wounds and provide hope and strength through the storm. If we aren't careful we can overlook the lives of our people and focus on the three B's: Budgets, Buildings and Butts.

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