
Amway Christianity

I'm in Barnes & Nobel writing the message for this week. I just had a meeting with one of our state representatives and one of my leadership team members so today this has been my office.

A table away from me a conversation is taking place where two younger people (early twenties) are talking. Well, one of them is talking and one is pretending to listen. The guy is telling the girl "What would you do with a $100,000 income? Would you move to Hawaii?, Would you buy a new Jag?" On and on it goes.

He then talks about how if she got 20 friends to buy a bar of something and they got 20 friends... she'd make X. After a web of numbers and calculator figures he says "That's what you'll be making!"

I couldn't help but to look up at her face. She's staring off into the store with a somewhat skeptical look as he sips his Latte with one foot on the floor and the other perched up on a chair next to him. He's obviously making a sales pitch that she's not buying. But he keeps talking.

Amway Jesus is the same pitch. Jesus called us to leave our father and mother and we tell people they can get $100,000. Jesus said the last shall be first and we say "God wants you in front of the line." Jesus says that the love of money is the root of all evil and we say "Touch our prayer cloth and get loaded." Now in the circles I run it we may not be so blunt but we are. We attempt to sell Jesus for what he can give. Does he give these things? Yes. If he wants to.

I'm getting turned off and I feel bad for this poor girl who had this meeting sprung on her. I hope we (read: I) don't distribute the Amway Jesus. I hope that what we do is introduce people to Christ for all of His glory. What I know is that I don't have to over-hype the God of all Creation. I think his resume is pretty cool on it's own. If I can practice a life of clearly communicating the Gospel... I'll be doing a good thing. I don't have to Amway-Jesus people to death. I can simply Creatively communicate the timeless message of Christ and Relationships will be born. Eternal loving relationships.

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