
Social Security... and the future of church

This post should really be titled: Social Security, Future Shock, Ethanol, Globalization, and the future of church.

The West Wing stimulates my thinking. It was TIVO'd for me so I watched it last night. I enjoy TIVO. Anyway, the 'King Corn' episode centered around the candidates for president and their ability to tackle an obscure but all important issue... Ethanol. Ethanol is supposed to be a cure to our problems with dependence on foreign energy. It's made from corn so it's also supposed to burn more cleanly. In 15 years you and I may be making pop-corn as we drive down the road and the whole town could smell like corn flakes... Who knows.

Lately I've been reading 'Future Shock' and considering the future of church. I really think we all should be looking forward in addition to looking around. Sadly the local church has been behind the times and trying to play catch-up for a long time. Its important that we Pastors read outside of the Christian authors on our bookshelves and begin thinking ahead for ourselves. We are the earthly leaders and the voicebox to the moves of God. God is constantly moving. It's important that his men and women get their cues from Him through passionate relationships with Him and open eyes.

Here are some things to think about.

How will you handle a more transient culture?
How will your church handle growth if property becomes scarce?

You have other questions to add to the mix. It's not that the average Pastor can't think about these things... it's that the average Pastor doesn't.

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