So we've all been there. It could be small or large but a promise broken is trust destroyed.
I know for a fact that I've over-promised people just as much as you've over-promised. I know that even though much of the time I let people down I can point to something outside of my control, it doesn't take away the pain of a promise broken. Over the years I've become less eager to promise something I'm not certain I can deliver. It's so important to me that people trust in my word. How important? Important enough that I try and watch everything I promise including promises I make about my prayer life:
What are some ways I try to maintain my promises?
I don't tell everyone that I will pray for them.
There is little worse in my mind than to be around a person who tosses out the words "I'll pray for you." everywhere they go. The truth is that we (in the church world) have become so accustomed to using that phrase the same way we ask people "How are you?" If you aren't careful you will be promising people things that just aren't going to happen.
Recently a friend called and asked me to pray on his behalf as to whether or not he should accept a promotion that would give his family a substantial financial increase. Knowing my friend's history and admiring all that he's been through I see this promotion as a blessing by God so I told my friend "No." He said "No what?" I said "No, I will not pray for you and I want you to know that because I'm not going to ask God to remove what I perceive to be a blessing on your life. If you want to ask Him to do something different, feel free. But as your friend I won't be praying for you about this." He laughed at me and said "Well, I appreciate that about you. You're honest."
For me it is important that my promise to pray for a person actually means something in their life. So when I know I will not be praying I do not promise to do so. If you hear me tell you that I am praying or will be praying... you can trust that I mean it.
I love it! How true we do sometimes just say I'll pray for you as passing conversation! When I say it or someone asks me to pray for them I have started to say lets pray right now so I don't forget, that works better for me. Some people are a little uncomfortable with praying right then, but if you are going to ask me to pray for you, praying with you is even better!
tally, great to meet you yesterday at the block party. will be following how god leads you in the future - exciting! thanks for leading and serving!
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