We live in a conglomerate of many cities that make up "Hampton Roads". I live about 20 feet from the Virginia Beach line. Our city is called "Chesapeake". The thing about our area is that for the most part it's 1 city with a lot of flavors but the governments here don't want to give up power by consolidating although some things are on the move like a regional transportation authority.
Anyway as you look closer at our area of Chesapeake we meet in a part of town called "Greenbrier". The 5 miles surrounding our location in Greenbrier is about 48% black and 52% white with a population base of approximately 215,000 people.
I don't know of very many churches in our area who are growing rapidly. Even most of the successful ones here have plateaued for a while.
One of my passions has always been to have a multi-racial church. I grew up in Baltimore City and diversity wasn't a buzz word to me... it was reality. In fact for many of my experiences growing up I was in the minority. Schools, sports leagues, etc.
This Sunday we had a LOT of our regulars out. Just since Easter God has brought a LOT of African American families to our church. As I spoke Sunday I kept thinking about how God was answering prayers I prayed for well over a year. I've been asking God to make us diverse. We've changed nothing but all of a sudden we've seen a new wave of people come into the services week after week.
Tomorrow Kristy and I are hosting one of the new families for supper. I'm very humbled.
As I looked out yesterday, I saw a truly diverse congregation where most of the people did not look like me and I loved it!
I've said for years that we will not be like most churches in our area and "target" a group that tells people who don't look like us to go to hell. I believe God has brought us here in this place and while it is a challenge, He's called us to meet that challenge. We are still learning what it looks like to be a church in that context (most churches are homogeneous)... we're praying for strength and wisdom to fulfill our calling to our city. Thanks in advance for your prayers.
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