
Life Change is cool

I was reading my brother-in-law's blog today and came across this post. It's cool to see how God works.

"Last year, on Feb. 6th I was attending Focal Point Church in Chesapeake, VA, where my now brother-in-law is the lead pastor. At the end of the service, which was still held in the Skating Rink, Tally(Tall-E, that is how you pronounce his name) asked us to bow our head in prayer. As he began to pray, he asked all of us unsaved persons to quietly raise our hand, if you wished to have Jesus Christ become your personal savior. **Sidebar** I had been contemplating this decision for a while before I met the Wilgis', until my Granny was taken from me at such a young age. I lost my faith, or lack there of, and began to not believe in anything at all. After a few talks with my wife (fiance at the time), Tally, and Mary (my now Mother-in-law), I began to pray. I just prayed. **Sidebar End** I quietly raised my hand and allowed Tally to lead my heart in pray asking Jesus Chirst to be my one and only true Lord. I know some people like to think that I am supposed to feel this great power raise through me or be lifted off my seat or some other nonsense like that. That was not the case at all, I felt relieved. I felt open. I felt like a new spirit. Most of all, I felt loved.
To sum things up, whether you like to believe me or not, I am a changed person. I am a new man because I have accepted the Lord as my Savior. For that reason alone, I will pray for those whom do not know Him and continue to spread His good word.
I love my two girls. Good night to all."

This is what it's all about!!!


RMc said...

Cool beans Bro!!!

Anonymous said...

Good to hear you story man! The body of Christ needs to share our testimonies of grace more often.