Today we had about 20 people come from our most recent direct mailing (hit homes on Friday). This fits about what we've had in the past. The next 2 weeks we'll still likely get people off of this piece.
We sent out 10,000 cards. Statistically we're told we could get around 1/2 of 1 percent response. That would put us at 50 homes or around 150 people. There are other factors including repetition of the cards, awareness and call to action (what do we want them to do).
Our website saw a bump up on Friday as well.
So far so good... We'll see how the next few weeks go.
As a side note about the message today... I wasn't pleased with my delivery today but I got a ton of feedback saying that people loved it. Isn't that the craziest thing? Ever been there?
That's great that you're seeing more folks from the mailing, Tally. Congratulations!
I know exactly what you mean about the preaching. Not too long ago, I had a week I thought was HORRIBLE. I was pretty upset, but then talked with someone afterwards who said, "That was the most powerful message I've heard in years. It really challenged me."
Who would have thought. I always have to remind myself that the power lies not in my ability, but in the transforming power of God's Word.
The funny one for me... we do two services... and on one service I feel like I nail it... and the other service I felt like I stumbled through it... Then, when I ask.. everyone likes the stumble service... I don't get it. But it is fun!
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