I'm an ENTP in the Myers Briggs deal. The quote I heard about my personality type is: "Some people make lists and use them... you make lists and LOSE them." There is something absent minded at times about how I function.
I've been trying to develop the discipline of "getting things done". Instead of approaching my work like a kid who missed his ritalin, I'm trying to get more focused on a few things at a time instead of nibbling on 8 projects at once. I think the nibbling approach could work IF I had a staff or secretary who could take my instructions and run with the details of a project. Up to this point, that's not happening so I have to kick my tail and eat the elephant one agonizing detail at a time.
You see, I'm great at listing the details... when I have a project, I'm great at managing the details and accomplishing all of the details. The problem is when I'm focused on too many projects. There have been times (earlier in my ministry) when I felt like I was spinning 14 plates and many things were left undone. That was early on. Now adays I don't approach things like that.
A few weeks ago Calvin said "Tally, I think people need to know how you lead because most people would freak out and try to do everything at one time. But you on the other hand, you assign boxes to people. It's almost like when someone steps forward in a ministry roll, you write their name on the box. You show them what the box is for and how to use everything in the box. Then you sit the box down for them so they can pick it up. But as always some people don't pick up the box. Most Pastors try to carry that box just so it gets done." He continued "You leave the box in the middle of the floor. You don't have a problem with leaving a box on the floor until someone picks it up."
I think that may be a fair analogy.
But here is what I'm noticing. I still need to revisit everyone with a name on a box. I still need to follow up better. I still have to communicate vision better. I still have to communicate my heart better. I have some areas where I can lead better (don't we all).
In addition, I'm working on finishing my Masters Degree in the middle of all of this church planting stuff. I'm a new dad. I'm a Pastor and friend. I have all of the hats that many of you have. And you know what? Sometimes it's just overwhelming.
But it doesn't have to be. I'm focusing on time-management and improving my delegation style. This week I'm traveling to South Carolina for NAMB and so I now have about 14 days before I get back to a Sunday morning. I'm hoping to dedicate much of this time to 'getting things done' and improving how I lead.
I do extremely well with a Mocha in my hand. I'm not kidding! My A.D.D. style works like a charm when I'm crunk on Starbucks. I think that's the secret to Scott Hodges' success. Hmmm...
On a serious note... I'd love to hear how my wonderful readers tackle the 2,000 appointments and people and passions they have to work on each week while maintaining a healthy #1 priority of family in the midst of it all. The great thing with me is that I'm in a very controlled situation... meaning I have NO problem setting my schedule... and sometimes that is the problem so if you have great ideas (planners, organizers, discipline techniques, favorite flavored Starbucks drinks, etc.) that you want to pass along, I'm all ears....
As for now... I'm getting back to work!
I'm a two woman man. :) The love of my life is my wife and she organizes my personl life.
My assistant runs my work life. I get the weeks schedule every Monday and changes for nobody. I also get the next days schedule on my way out of the office as a reminder.
I couldn't do it without either of them.
I am an ENTP with the EXACT issues that you mentioned. I have read Getting Things Done and have implemented some of it, but I still have "boxes" laying around everywhere! It's pretty amazing how God uses us to accomplish His will! Thank God that He provides people around us to help get things done!
I definitely agree with you. Covey and GTD has nothing on coffee. Caffeine is God's GTD. :) I'm convinced that espresso and beans are anointed. Forget the planners.
i get other people to handle the easy stuff...and then i get people to do the hard stuff...that leaves me with thinking about how to do more stuff...
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