
Homes After the Storm

As we look at the images of the horrible tragedy that is left in the wake of "Katrina", I cannot stop thinking "How can we help?"

Many who read this blog are Pastors of local churches (some larger, some smaller). I wonder if we cannot begin to coordinate efforts for 'After the Storm'. Through the power of our blogs we can begin networking with the intention being to meet in a month or two in LA or Mississippi to begin helping in the rebuilding process.

Immediately we can give to our various denominational relief efforts and to the American Red Cross but I'd imagine that the rebuilding process (for many families) is going to be the worst aspect of this. As we enter September, we can assume that power is unlikely to be restored before the beginning of October. For many families a home will still be a dream.

The Plan:
I have been in contact with the Habitat for Humanity's Disaster Relief coordinator. They are preparing for what will be a massive relief effort in October/November time-frame as residents will likely not return for nearly 3-4 weeks. What we're asking you to do is the following:

1. Pray for the families and situations.
2. Make your churches aware of the need.
3. Consider joining in this blogosphere effort to unite our churches together and present ourselves available to Habitat for Humanity as they use us to meet needs.
4. Blog about this effort and consider it a grass-routes shareware relief effort.

What I hope can come from this is a list of churches who unite to provide Habitat with an army of volunteers to go in and rebuild homes. We all know the power of blogs. You can leverage your church influence as well as your blog's influence to make a practical difference in the lives of those devastated by this hurricane. What a testimony it will be when churches across this country unite under the banner of love and mercy to reach out to these victims.

If you are interested in partnering with me in this effort, please email me or leave a comment with your contact information. In addition, please blog about this effort. I'm looking forward to partnering with you.


RMc said...

Just linked to this post - great idea. Hope something significant happens as a result.

Anonymous said...

Here's how we can help: http://leadershipblog.blogspot.com/2005/08/real-hurricane-relief.html

praynlady said...

Tally, I am not sure how I can help but I am willing! I have linked your post on my blog and have sent it to the pastor of my church. Keep me posted. Thanks.
I will continue to pray for those affected by this tragic turn of events.