

I'm experiencing a heafty amount of change this week.

The church is moving into our offices today. (read: out of my home)
My son will be born (the Dr. believes) within the week.
My wife and I purchased some home furnishings we think are nifty.
We have started a process that could lead to something pretty amazing for our church.

This is the stuff I love. I enjoy change and embrace it as a movement forward. I'm looking forward to seeing how the Lord changes me through these processes. I'm looking forward to seeing how I will change as a Pastor when my son is born. I'm looking forward to the challenge of getting more people involved in the ministry by providing tools for our laypeople to use at our new office. I'm also looking forward to seeing where God takes the process we've stepped into the other day. Change is cool.

Your turn:
How do you handle change?
How'd you feel when you became a parent?
Have you been able to get lay people involved in your office space?
Why is the sky blue?


Mitch Corn said...

Alright i'll have a go at this. I love change. It's not always easy but when we look at God's word we see that life is a process and you can't have a process without change. One of the biggest things I've learned working at FC is that no program or idea is ever too big or good to change. It all has to fit within the overall vision of the church. If you are reaching people then your vision will change thus so will the way you go aobut ministry. Whew! I answered alot on that one to make up for the baby question. Last but not least the sky is blue because God is a Carolina Tarheel fan and he wants us all to see that color each day to remind us of how great they are. Alright so maybe that was a bit much. Laugh! it will make you feel good. Let me know when you oficially become big poppa!

praynlady said...

Tally, you are gonna be a great daddy.
The change will not necessarily be easy but you will love every (well almost every) moment of it. Your life will never be the same. As is changed when you accepted Christ, it will change as He gives you a new life to take charge of. He will equip you as needed. Becoming a parent is an awesome, indescribable feeling. Life renewed? Someone to love me (0n earth) unconditionally, just like God but with touch. Lay people in the office? Can't help you there! Sorry,

The sky is blue because the space God created (the heavens) are reflecting the light off of the waters of the earth and the hue looks blue to the human eye?

Sound good? Ok, not a scientist but thought it sounded like a pretty good reason! haha God's favorite color? Because He's a man? Ok, I give up! Why is the sky blue?