
Here God, There God, Everywhere God, God

In our leadership meetings lately I've been doing something I picked up from Andy Stanley.

I've been asking "What is God doing in the life of our Church?"

We answer in popcorn fashion (anyone can speak up) and share the various things God is actively doing among our people. From Salvation to brokenness to new sense of worship I am now hearing more and more stories of God's blessing on this body.

Sometimes we can get so tunnel-visioned that we lose sight of our 'Abba, Father'. When He's not getting the Glory for things He does in and around my life I feel I'm stealing from Him or plagiarising His work. We are the church... we are HIS Church. Focal Point shouldn't get credit... our Father should.

Take time today, this week, this month to ask around you and to observe: "What is God doing?"
I know in my own life how powerful this simple question has become and the wonderful picture it paints for me and my relationship with Him.

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