
Make Service Un-like work

I believe one of the ways to keep people active in serving within your church is to make it UNLIKE "their job".

- People run the rat-race all week at work, they don't need another race to run within their congregation... get rid of the rat-race attitude and dump politics as status-quo.
- Most disciples WANT to help but you can't make them regret it. Get organized before they show up, give clear goals (realistic, measurable and attainable).
- Use the time to love, validate, hear their story.

One of our guys shared how he became sold on Focal Point as his church home. He said "I didn't really connect with people through small groups b/c I don't like forced relationships but I jumped in to help set up and take down. One day during take down a guy came by and patted me on the back while telling a joke and I caught myself laughing. I felt at that moment that I genuninely like these people."

Service in your church needs to be ANTI-job. Yes there is a task but as a leader you can structure it so that the work is a means to an end, not an end in itself. When people view their task in the "machine" to be the end of their reason for showing up... they leave unfulfilled and tired. When the work is a means to an end of deepening Christian relationships, they can leave feeling fulfilled, loved and validated. Make ministry service UN-LIKE work!

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