
Core Values

Recently a new blogging friend from Canton, GA (Gary Lamb) posted about his staff values. I appreciated his list and his honesty regarding how they are doing. I thought I'd post our Core Values and commentary where necessary.

Focus- Do a few things and do them well.
Participation- We're a church of missionaries.
Community- Doing life together is where discipleship happens
Compassion- We should be getting our fingernails dirty helping those in need.
Authenticity- Transparency paves the way to Intimacy and vice-versa.
Relevance- The way to communicate is to use the language of the culture.
Equipping- Eph. 4 reminds us to train others to carry out God's work.

We're doing well with: Focus, Community, Authenticity and Relevance.
We're turning our attention to: Participation, Compassion, and Equipping.


...steven said...

I admire your evaluation - it is difficult to lead from reality (vs. staying detached enough you can pretend things are as you dream them to be).

I did find your "things to work on" interesting - they all have one common denominator – involvement in a global mission. They, I imagine, will be your most difficult battle - as the area of developing a missional mindset is the weakest in the American church.

The question of our parents generation seems to be why leverage time, money and resources into something that will not directly grow our organization?

Could it be there are some things worth doing even if it costs us something we cannot regain?

I know, this is your blog, I should save this for a post on mine... All that to say, I will be in prayer for you - and if you are able to champion the values you are talking about, you will have much to teach all of us. Press on.

Gary Lamb said...

Good stuff.

I think the things you guys are struggling with are things all new church plants struggle with.