
Reach Out NOW

This morning several of our students found out that a 10th grader from their school committed suicide over spring break. In any situation this is nothing short of tragic.

I'm not one to "over spiritualize" but I couldn't help to think back to the last meeting before spring break when I told our teens "We must be serious about God because we honestly don't know if everyone your age will even make it back from spring break. I encourage you to reach out to your friends." I doubt I will remind our teens of those statements (although I did remind an adult worker who was in the room when I said that). Who knows, quite possibly that statement was meant for no one but me to recall. I am the shepard of this flock and it is my responsibility to lead by example.

We say those things as Pastors and move on but do we honestly have a grip on them? So often times as you search your bible you will find an amazing sense of urgency. Paul spoke of Christ's plan of redemption being unfolded in "these last days". The early church lived and moved and breathed in such a way as to believe that Christ really could come back at any moment. We've lost this urgency.

I obviously would never guilt our kids into reaching their friends but I do want every human being alive to have the opportunity to hear the gospel. How many more teens in that school are where their friend was just last week? How many teens are on the edge and feeling completely alone? The bible reminds us that it's not good for us to be alone. Images of "friend" and "Father" and "Mother" flood the stories describing love and worth in scripture. Will our teens, will our church, will this Pastor be a friend to someone close to the edge?

John Piper makes a statement that "Evangelism and Missions exist because Worship doesn't" In some lives God's name is not praised. Some people are unable to praise God for they do not know him. John 17:3 reminds us that Jesus said --And this is eternal life, that they may know you the only true God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent--

"The Point" of Focal Point is to encourage and equip people to know God. "Father I beg you to rewire me to feel the sense of urgency needed for the task you have put before me. Father I desire to share your story of atonement and redemption SO THAT worship will break out in our city. I love you Lord."

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