
I don't know if I'm the only one in the world like this, (I'm certain that statistics tell me that I'm not...) but in the middle of watching Pay It Forward tonight with my wife it all hit me as if it were new information. I'm not sure if this information just caught me off guard or what...

I've always been focused on my role in the chain of history... I'm constantly thinking to Christ and then to myself about how I fit and what my purpose is on this earth. Tonight however it slapped me up side my head again... wow... This Christianity thing is HUGE. My understanding who my God is comes as a result of Jesus HIMSELF expressing who he ways (John 14:6). Then these dudes he was with 'payed it forward' and so on and so on until now... here am I. What will I do with my dot? The dot called Tally's life. What will it matter? It's not new revelation by any standard. It just hit me awkwardly tonight and made me say 'wow' again. God is a very cool God.

Today went well at the church building.

If you are a person living for the moment and a person who lives based on everyone's opinions (or if your blood pressure goes up and down based on every number, new idea, offer, opinion, etc...) you should never be in the ministry.
Today (as is probably always the case but not as often noted) I was reminded that one person thinks I'm unfit to be a Pastor because of a comment I made to them and another person literally 1 minute after I heard this complaint stopped me and said "I want to tell you that you are a terrific person and a great youth pastor... I've known you were a great person but today I talked to a student in your ministry and asked what he thought and this boy couldn't stop saying kind things about you and how you share God's word so thoughtfully"

Forget Bush v. Gore 2000 ... it's Pastors v. The World.

Full-Time ministry is by far the most amazing 'job' in the world.

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