
What a Day!

I'm in Richmond, VA at our denom's annual state convention meeting. It's been pretty good thus far. I'm not just saying that. They do a mix of meeting stuff, reports, videos, awards, and preaching. This year the preaching has been pretty good. The theme is "Renewing your Passion". It's been a very encouraging time for me thus far. I'm sure tomorrow will bring more...

One of the things I value about these types of gatherings is what happens aside from the main hall. Today has been no exception. I've been able to spend some time with other planters in our state and share experiences, prayer and burdens. There is a sort of fraternity among church planters (and Pastors for that matter) that people outside of it cannot know. The cool thing about the guys I've been around is that no one is a star... everyone just wants to listen and learn and grow from each other.

God is moving among us as well. I can't get into details in this venue but I've seen God's hand at work this evening... I've heard his voice in the prayers of his people and I've seen his sovereignty in the positioning of his people to make things happen for one of his children and fellow pastor. God is always at work and we give him credit far too few times but it's so incredible to watch his plan unfold before your eyes in the matter of an hour.

Pastors... share your burdens with one another.

I used to hate convention meetings because a typical conversation was "Hi, I'm George, I graduated from _____ and I have _____ people at my church and ______ in Sunday School... How about you?

The last few years have put me in contact with men who are Kingdom minded and authentic. I truly appreciate the value-added these people have brought to my life. I only continue to hope I offer something of value back through our interactions.

With that said, thanks Ben, Rob, Clark, Calvin and Eric. Today has been good and I'm looking forward to tomorrow.

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